Friday, February 13, 2015

Officers Promoted

On Wednesday, February 11, 2015, Officer Lou Louzader and Officer James McPherson were promoted to the rank of Corporal.  After meeting the qualifications and passing a written and role play scenario test, they were interviewed by a panel made from surrounding agencies.

Officer Louzader has been with the agency since December 2002.  Officer James McPherson has been with the agency since May 2013 and has four years prior law enforcement experience.

The Officer's families, friends, colleagues, and city officials were there to celebrate the promotion.  Chief Mark Mitchell presented them with their badges and gave them a framed copy of their “Attention to Orders”.  Both Officer's wives pinned on their new Corporal badges.
Chief Mark Mitchell, Cpl. Lou Louzader, Cpl. James, McPherson, Lt. German Rivas and Lt. Jeff Tucker