Monday, July 16, 2018

Roving Roll Calls

In our continuing efforts to develop and strengthen our relationship with the citizens we serve, the Canton Police Department will be conducting “Roving Roll Calls” in the community. Currently, each of our Uniform Patrol Shifts holds a Roll Call prior to beginning their shifts, where officers are briefed on current issues or crime trends impacting their patrol area.

During the summer months, we will be conducting these Roll Calls inside and outside at various locations in the City, two or three times a month. The Roll Calls usually last about 10 to 15 minutes. We will post the locations and dates of these “Roving Roll Calls” on our Social Media in hopes that our community will be interested in attending. Citizens are encouraged to come watch the Roll Calls, ask any questions they may have and engage in conversations with our officers which gives the police and community a chance to interact.

If you are interested in having a “Roving Roll Call” in your area, please contact our Community Outreach Officer Pacer Cordry at

Our first “Roving Roll Call” will be this Wednesday, July 18, 2018, at 5:15 pm., in the parking lot of Walmart located at 1550 Riverstone Parkway. We hope to see you there!